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Constructed Languages in Media

From the time I was a child, I was interested in constructed languages. The first example of something like a constructed language was Al-Bhed from the video game "Final Fantasy X," however, this is not an actual constructed language. Al-Bhed is a cipher for English, it simply switches the letters used in English to a different letter. My brother and I spent a while learning it and could speak to each other a little bit using it, but we mostly used it to pass notes because it was very easy to write. This cipher was the beginning of my interest in conlangs. As referenced in the video, the main focus of making a language for a movie or show is phonology. This is extremely important because it will be the face of the language. Most people who hear Klingon are not going to learn it and speak it to their friends, but they will recognize the sounds that it reminds them of, it makes Klingons seem alien as well as brute-like, by making the language sound guttural and harsh. Th...

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