Lexical Differences in Table-Top Games (BattleTech)

Being part of any type of group will change the way a person speaks, this is especially true in table top games where a lot of terms are made up and abbreviations and jargon arise in order to speed up communication. I personally play a tabletop strategy game called BattleTech that involves giant robots and other military technology going face to face on a hex map. These are some of the words and phrases that we use in our games:

Mech: This refers to the most common type of unit in the game: the BattleMech. These are giant machines of war that differ from things like Pacific Rim and Gundam in that they perform more like modern military weapons such as tanks.

Example: “I’m going into battle with 4 mechs.”

Variation: QuadMech (a mech with 4 legs); Protomech (A different type of unit that is much smaller than a mech, sometimes abbreviated as “proto” for less confusion); Light/Medium/Heavy/Assault/Supperheavy Mech (refers to the mass of the mech)

TAC [tæk]: This is an abbreviation of the phrase “through armor criticals” basically this means that an attack was exceptional. 

Example: “I rolled a 2, so that’s a TAC.”

Variations: There is a special rule that changes the function of a TAC and is usually referred to as a “floating critical;” Can also be called a “crit” or “critical”

Boxcars: A term used for rolling 12 on two normal six-sided dice.

Example: “I need boxcars in order to hit your mech”

Variations: This is a fixed expression regarding a dice roll.

Death from Above: This refers to an attack in which a mech jumps and attempts to land on top of another unit.

Example: “My Raven is going to DFA your Atlas.”

Variations: Often abbreviated as D.F.A. and is then used as a verb Example: “He just DFA’d my Atlas.”

Inner Sphere: This term refers to the “normal” people in the game’s universe. They are humans who have advanced technology but have continued fighting amongst themselves and are a dark rendition of humanity.

Example: “All my units are from the Inner Sphere.”

Variations: Can be abbreviated as IS

Clan: This term refers to a militant group of people who left the Inner Sphere because they did not want to be involved in a war, and then started their own military way of life far off in the galaxy. They have a military and tribal society.

Example: “I only like using Clan tech.”

Variations: Clanner (derogatory refers to someone from the Clan society and is used for people who play using Clan technology)

Flip Arms: This term refers to a mech’s ability to rotate it’s arms 180 degrees so that they will be facing completely backwards. This allows a mech to shoot behind it.

Example: “My Raven is going to flip arms and shoot your Atlas.”

Variations: Sometimes said as Flip it’s arms, or just flip

Vee: This is a very common abbreviation of the word “vehicle.” This refers to almost anything that isn’t a mech or infantry, from tanks to airplanes.

Example: “I’m bringing 2 mechs and 2 Vees.

Variations: QuadVee (A type of unit that can change between a Quadruped Battlemech and a vehicle)

Words like these allow players to communicate effectively and quickly. Some words like "boxcars" and "Death from Above" are common in other games and this allows for communication between a broader group of "tabletop gamers." While terms like "TAC," Clan, and Inner Sphere distance us from other game groups by setting a communication boundary, this can also work to make people curious about the games we play. Using these types of phrases and words help bring us closer together by giving us a kind of secret code that makes us feel like those outside of our group wouldn't understand what we are talking about. 


  1. "Boxcars" was the only term in your list that I had heard before. The examples in use and variations are a helpful addition to this post.

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